Zenrock Gefälschter Kredit und die Genfer Verbindung- Financing the Black Boxes Part V

You thought you were invited to a TRADER’S funeral but you were wrong… Behind this door what you are really about to witness is the back-scene of the destruction.

You’ve certainly heard about commodity trader Zenrock, but nothing in details or in the order of what we are about to show you. 
Your Commodity House is a Fraud.
This is not the Mirror or the SUN, this is more a case at the London Business School and in the HBS review, but make no mistake: it’s lethal and it will deliver a blow.

– A MERCHANT Continue reading

Financing the Black Boxes Part II- Commodity Trading and visibility on the book

Between the black box, with a management naturally predisposed to defend their books, and the banks/financing who shouldn’t be assumed to have the actual knowing of how fundamentally a market works, you could be surprised. There are huge gaps. Continue reading

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